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VISITOR _ TALKS.1: A Special Project @ The 5th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art<\/h4>\n

The common starting point is the State Darwin Museum. Meeting and exchange between the artistic and scientific discipline. What is the critical discourse in contemporary art and why can it be relevant in a museum of natural sciences?
\nSee program below.<\/p>\n

Download and share flyer<\/span><\/a> for the event!


1. sounds<\/a>
2. learning \/ aesthetica<\/a>
3. museum \/ exhibitions<\/a><\/p>\n

FILM PROGRAM<\/a><\/p>\n


<\/a>1. Wednesday 16 October – sounds<\/h3>\n

* 16.00 – 17.00: OPEN LECTURE<\/p>\n

Susanne Skog – composer and sound artist
\n Presentation of \u00d6yvind Fahlstr\u00f6m’s sound works \u201dF\u00e5glar i Sverige\u201d [Birds in Sweden] from 1963.<\/p>\n

* 17.00 \u2013 17.20: COFFEE BREAK<\/p>\n

* 17.20 \u2013 17.50: CONCERT\/VIDEO:<\/p>\n

Markus Ernehed \u2013 There is a Visitor 07:07<\/strong>
\n(Zach Herchen, music \/ Raketa, video)<\/p>\n

Musician who likes electronical music just as much as country and jazz. Toured the USA several times performing with Abba-tribute Arrival. Played with hiphop-bands as well as avant-garde music. In 2013 he left Stockholm behind for his childhood home on the countryside of J\u00e4mtland, Northern Sweden. Markus Ernehed, Kalom, Saxophone.<\/p>\n

Jens Com\u00e9n \u2013 Far North 10:27<\/strong>
\n(Mattias Sk\u00f6ld, music \/ Raketa, video)<\/p>\n

Has been travelling all around the world, playing with his band Hoven Droven. Toured through out Norway performing for school kids with The Jets. From small venues on Swedish countryside to New York, and now,\u00a0The Moscow Biennale! Jens Com\u00e9n, \u00d6stersund, Saxofon<\/p>\n


<\/a>2. Thursday 17 October – learning \/ aesthetica<\/h3>\n

*\u00a0 13.00 \u2013 15.00:\u00a0 OPEN TALK & DISCUSSION<\/p>\n

Natalia Nosova – Head of School Department, the State Darwin Museum
\n Petra Lundberg Bouquelon – Musician and composer. Lecturer and subject coordinator in esthetic learning, The Academic School of Culture and Education. Sodertorn University.<\/p>\n

What impact can art and the esthetic have on learning? What do we consider as knowledge and how can knowledge and education include transformative learning or Bildung?\u00a0 How do we make practice out of theory? Reflections around these three questions.<\/p>\n

*\u00a0 16.00 \u2013 17.20: \u00a0WORKSHOP: PLAY \/ SECRETS \/ FRAGMENTS<\/p>\n

Workshop together with visitors of the museum. Collaboration with the School Department at the State Darwin Museum as a continuation and development of Raketa’s & the Museum’s first collaboration in September 2012.<\/p>\n


<\/a>3. Friday 18 October – museum \/ exhibitions<\/h3>\n

* 13.00 – 13.45: OPEN TALK<\/p>\n

From Raketa – Johanna Bratel, Landscape Architect \/ Cecilia Enberg, Artist \/ \u00c5sa Lipka Falck, Artist
\n Presentation of methodological development based on a couple of projects completed within the recent years and specific The Mountain \/ The Path, displayed as a fragment in the ongoing exhibition. Intro by Johanna Bratel.<\/p>\n

* 13.45 \u2013 14.00: COFFEE BREAK<\/p>\n

* 14.00 \u2013 16.00: ROUND TABLE<\/p>\n

Anna Klukina \u2013 Director, State Darwin Museum
\n Natalia Nosova – Head of School Department, the State Darwin Museum
\n Igor Fadeev – Leading Researcher, State Darwin Museum
\n Ekaterina Borovskaya – exhibitory agency Art Contract between curator and museum
\n Anastasia Ryabova, Artist
\n Moderator: Ekaterina Sharova, Independent curator, Oslo\/Arkhangelsk<\/p>\n

The importance of visualization to formulate\/create knowledge. How do we share knowledge? How do we mediate knowledge? The museum, the archive, the collection as a place for knowledge exchange and meeting.<\/p>\n

* 16.15 \u2013 17.15: GUIDED TOUR \u00a0– THERE IS A VISITOR # 13<\/p>\n

Yana Shklyarskaya – Head of exhibitory projects of State Darwin Museum.
\n A guided tour and strolling conversation.<\/p>\n

* 17.15: MINGLE & DRINK<\/p>\n


<\/a>FILM PROGRAM<\/h3>\n

OCTOBER 16 \u2013 20 @ State Darwin Museum
\n Sn\u00e6bj\u00f6rnsd\u00f3ttir\/Wilson:\u00a0Vanishing Point (17 min)<\/strong><\/p>\n

Thursday 17 October: 17.20
\n Friday 18 October: 17.20
\n Saturday 19 October: 17.00
\n Sunday 20 October: 17.00<\/p>\n

Vanishing Point:<\/strong> Where Species Meet is a three-channel video work, originally commissioned for the Gothenburg Biennial 2011. The brief was to make a site-specific work and we focused on the roof of the main Biennial building called Roda Sten on the River Gota waterfront.<\/p>\n

The performance-based HD video work documents a meeting between a human and various species of gull around a specially built table at which food is prepared and shared.<\/p>\n

Although the work makes references to a biblical miracle narrative in which ideas of generosity are key, extending the idea strategically across and between species Vanishing Point can be seen as a critique on the legacy of how Christian values have been interpreted and together with Cartesian objectivity have placed anthropocentrism and human interests at the heart of our conceptions of the world to the detriment of more ecological consciousness. Such interests have contributed to a dislocation between human beings and the wider environment which is seen as a series of resources and sites for exploitation<\/p>\n

Vanishing Point examines the potential importance of what may remain beyond sight, beyond representation in considering a non-anthropocentric view. How something implicit but ultimately specifically occluded may act as a spur for extending our perceptual reach.<\/p>\n


THERE IS A VISITOR # 13.<\/p>\n

Footnotes in the State Darwin Museum
\n September 20 \u2013 October 20, 2013.<\/p>\n

The museum and the nature that surrounds it act as a model and starting point for an exploration as well as a discussion on the significance of public space; making place for talks and discussions of the continuous development of democracy \u2013 in theory and in practice.<\/p>\n

In early spring 2006 Raketa made a documentation of the Biological Museum in Uppsala, Sweden. The documentation raised many questions concerning the identity of a museum containing a collection of the surrounding natural habitat. In what ways can the museum be a possible forum for discussing issues about nature, the global environment, politics, ethics, right of common, art, biology, philosophy, utopias and our common cultural heritage?<\/p>\n

This became the starting point and take-off for There is a Visitor # 13, a project together with State Darwin Museum in Moscow. The museum was founded in 1907 as part of the Moscow Higher Female Courses (MHFC). The museum holds a very large collection, an extensive archive and a great research library. One of the museum\u2019s four founders was an artist and the museum also own a large collection of art. It\u2019s the first time the museum makes an exhibition of this kind: artists based their work upon the museum collection, comments and starts a talk concerning a museum and it\u2019s content and context.<\/p>\n

The project has many inputs \u2013 but one is the need to communicate and to perceive the threats to biodiversity that exists but can not be seen \u2013 perhaps this is where a meeting between art, nature and science is important?<\/p>\n

\/ Raketa, Uppsala 2008 \u2013 Mockba 2013<\/p>\n

With support from: Swedish Arts Council, State Darwin Museum Moscow and The Embassy of Sweden in Moscow.