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The exhibition project There is a visitor #13<\/a> as part of The 5th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary art (Special projects), 20 September – 20 October 2013 was supported by: The accompanying VISITOR_TALKS.1 series of talks, open lectures, round table and film program<\/a> of There is a visitor #13, 16 – 18 October 2013 was supported by: The works The Vitrine with Pheasants. A composition for four voices (footnote 14)<\/a> and A stand with buttons and birds (footnote 17)<\/a> by Susanne Skog featuring the exhibition and seminar “There is a visitor #13” 20 September – 20 October 2013 was supported by:<\/a><\/p>\n
\nState Darwin Museum Moscow<\/span><\/a>, Swedish Arts Council, Helge Ax:son Johnsons Foundation, Icelandic Art Center, University of Cumbria and The Embassy of Sweden in Moscow<\/span><\/a>.<\/span><\/p>\n
\nSwedish Arts Council, Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, State Darwin Museum Moscow<\/span><\/a> and The Embassy of Sweden in Moscow<\/span><\/a>.<\/span><\/p>\n
\nThe Swedish Arts Grants Committee<\/span>